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Espoo, FI advances social inclusion and emissions reduction efforts with cycle participation program

Espoo, FI Cycle Participation Program Inclusion Emissions

En curso

Espoo received $60,000 from EIT Climate-KIC and FedEx for a program aimed at new immigrants. The initiative aims to prepare newcomers for Espoo's strong cycling culture with free training courses. Local officials will also recruit a network of local bike shops for free or discounted maintenance along with bike recommendations based on customer needs. This effort focuses on female refugees and immigrants in need of low-cost transportation options.


Espoo, FI

Municipality in Finland

FI flag




Panostusta pyöräilyyn Espoossa - aikuisten pyöräilykursseja ja pyörähuoltoyritysten tukemista | Espoon kaupunki

Espoo ottaa askeleita edistääkseen kestävää ja päästötöntä liikennettä järjestämällä asukkaille ilmaisia pyöräilykursseja sekä tukemalla pyörähuoltoalan...


EIT Climate-KIC and FedEx select four cities to scale sustainable mobility projects - Climate-KIC

Four cities from Turkey and Europe have been awarded $240K (€223K) to implement solutions that accelerate the transition towards cleaner, greener, and smarter mobility as part of the first Sustainable Cities Climate Impact Challenge, co-organised by EIT Climate-KIC and EIT Digital, and sponsored by FedEx.  

Más de Espoo

Espoo, FI collaborates with tech companies and a basketball club on a sustainable mobility pilot
Espoo, FI coordinates with neighboring councils on Personal Budgeting Pilot for accessible transit

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