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Gent (Gand) [Ghent]. VOV turns downtown traffic data into predictions during three-month pilot

Gent (Gand) [Ghent]. VOV Downtown Traffic Predictions Pilot

En curso

The pilot tests four types of cameras and sensors throughout Gent's downtown streets. Each device gathers anonymized data on pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles for analysis by an AI-powered system. Months of data predict when and where congestion is most likely to occur in high-traffic areas, providing valuable intelligence to city officials and businesses. The pilot also determines which device works best for expanded deployment.


Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

Municipality in Oost-Vlaanderen (East Flanders)

BE flag




Slimme technologie meet en voorspelt drukte in Gentse winkelstraten | Stad Gent

Slimme camera's en sensoren analyseren drie maanden lang de mensenstromen in de winkelstraten, van de Kouter tot de Langemunt.


Kunnen we drukte in de stad voorspellen? | Stad Gent

Vanaf januari 2022 wordt gedurende 3 maanden de drukte in een aantal winkelstraten gemeten met behulp van artificiële intelligentie.

Más de Gent (Gand) [Ghent]

Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV promotes its commitment to green roofs with bus shelter pilot
Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV responds to lack of natural river banks with green island pilot

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