Cabarrus County, NC identifies families in crisis with Aspire poverty mapping pilot
The county's Department of Human Services and UNC-Chapel Hill researchers converted a mapping tool used in Paraguay for the project. Participants complete a one-hour survey asking about their experiences in six areas including employment, health, and education. The system color-codes responses in 55 indicators with a red code indicating extreme poverty. County social workers worked with residents on personalized plans for addressing the most pressing issues found by Aspire.
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Cabarrus County, NC streamlines applications for ERAP funding with chatbot and Laserfiche forms
County officials pursued a method for filtering applicants for $6.5 million in Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) funds. A Laserfiche form gathered applicant information as required by the federal program. Cabarrus County integrated the form with a chatbot that asked additional questions to determine eligibility. This process directed ERAP-ineligible residents to other resources, decreased processing times for eligible applicants, and freed employee time for other tasks.
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Cabarrus County, NC releases an open source Neogov API client written in Go
Cabarrus County, NC has released an Open Source Client for NEOGOV REST API. The Client is written in Go and can be used to Query Employee Data, Evaluations, etc. The Client can be downloaded from our Github at the link provided below.
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Cabarrus County, NC incorporates chatbots into personnel and law enforcement workflows
The county first implemented a personnel status request chatbot for employee questions. Staffers complete performance reviews and paid leave requests in as little as five clicks. Cabarrus County also developed a quarterly inspection chatbot for the sheriff's department. A department employee enters an item name, receives past inspection data, and confirms or changes this information without repetitive forms.
Asset Management+2
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Cabarrus County, NC simplifies planning and land research with Map Cabarrus interface
Map Cabarrus compiles archival documents, photos, and data for every lot in the county. Clicking on property shows a quick view of acreage, assessed value, and the most recent sale date. A scanned property card shows all of the previous owners and acquisition dates. Map users review tax bills, appraisals, photos, and deeds for properties. Each property also includes electoral districts, schools, libraries, and recycling centers in the area.
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Tax Foreclosures Public Data
A streamlined, easy-to-use listing of Cabarrus County tax foreclosures. The public accessible nformation provides the status of the property, court case number, the tax value, minimum required bid, sale date and more.
Mobile Data+4
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