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Oxford City Council, GB seeks reduced emissions from visiting boats with eco-mooring zone pilot

Oxford City Council, GB Eco-Mooring Boat Zone Pilot

En cours

Oxford received a national Air Quality Grant for a two-year pilot of eco-mooring stations. Three charging pillars provide reliable electricity for up to six boats on the Oxford Canal. Visiting boaters can recharge their batteries so they don't need to rely on energy from wood burning or diesel. One pillar features the equipment necessary to recharge all-electric vessels. City officials and the canal operator will promote emission-reducing vessel retrofits during short-term stays.


Oxford City Council, GB

Non-metropolitan district in England

GB flag

United Kingdom

Digne d'intérêt


Oxford granted £193,000 for ‘eco-moorings’ trial | Oxford City Council

Oxford granted £193,000 for ‘eco-moorings’ trial - Oxford granted £193,000 for ‘eco-moorings’ trial


Electric chargers suggested for 'eco-mooring zone' on Oxford Canal | Oxford Mail

ELECTRIC bollards along the canal have been suggested to create an ‘eco-mooring zone’ to reduce air pollution in the city.

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