Mendoza, MZ

City in Mendoza

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114.9k popolazione
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Mendoza, MZ turns carbon footprint reduction into a competition with the Carbon Challenge 2023

The year-long competition began with the random selection of 15 residents from all applicants. Participants are taught about climate change and how their actions create carbon footprints. Each participant's footprint was measured at the outset as a baseline for future comparisons. The project team gathers metrics like utility bills and transit use on a quarterly basis. Three participants with the largest emission reductions qualify for prizes including a new bike and composting supplies.

Environmental Services+2

Mendoza, MZ

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Mendoza, MZ partnered with Belo Cash S.A. to launch a Crypto-Friendly City initiative

The city of Mendoza signed a collaborative agreement with Belo Cash S.A. to launch a Crypto-Friendly City initiative. The agreement allows local merchants to receive cryptocurrencies through various platforms including Belo, an innovative application that allows cryptocurrency transactions. The Crypto-Friendly City initiative promotes safe tourism by allowing visitors to pay directly with cryptocurrency without changing their original currency.


Mendoza, MZ

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Mendoza, MZ developed a micro-dump aerial image monitoring tool using artificial intelligence

The city of Mendoza's Undersecretary of Environment and Sustainable Development partnered with the Local Innovation Network and the ByB Foundation of Argentina to develop a waste management monitoring tool. The monitoring tool uses artificial intelligence to automatically detect open-air micro-dumps in aerial images with a spatial resolution specifically defined for local problems.

Waste Management+4

Mendoza, MZ

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Mendoza, MZ transforms gastronomic and hotel sector organic waste into fertilizer with biotechnology

The Municipality of Mendoza signed an agreement with the Mendoza Gastronomic and Related Hotel Business Association and the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic to promote sustainable practices. The partnership launched a pilot project in which the organic waste produced by the gastronomic and hotel sectors is transformed into fertilizer for other markets by vermiculture biotechnology.

Waste Management+5

Mendoza, MZ

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Mendoza, MZ online catalogs advertise available businesses, services, manufacturers, and producers

The Municipality of Mendoza partnered with the Commercial Development Institute to launch a strategic plan to strengthen the local economy by promoting commercial activity. The project involved the development of two provincial online catalogs: one for businesses/services and one for manufacturers/producers. The free catalogs efficiently communicate available options to merchants and increase the likelihood of contracts and purchases that reduce costs and increase profitability.

Economic Development+1

Mendoza, MZ

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Mendoza, MZ Tax Administration created an online service for residents to self-manage stamp tickets

The Mendoza Tax Administration (ATM) created the "Sellos web" application a new online service that allows residents to self-manage stamp tickets. Users can easily attach relevant documentation, pay their stamp tickets, and instantly obtain a stamp payment ticket. After completing the process, each user must print or save the proof of payment and proof of determination for the tax sent by the ATM.

Citizen Services+4

Mendoza, MZ

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Mendoza, MZ launched a free automatic chat service, MendoBot, for resident questions via WhatsApp

The Municipality of Mendoza launched MendoBot a free automatic chat service which allows residents to ask procedure questions directly to government agencies. The MendoBot tool works via WhatsApp when users type the word "hello" to a specific number in order to access a menu of consulting options. The automatic chat allows residents to access the contact channels for all government agencies and receive answers to questions related to shifts, due dates, payments, complaints, claims, etc.

Citizen Services+4

Mendoza, MZ

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