Vejle, DK

Municipality in Syddanmark

DK flag


115.7k popolazione
Sito webvejle.dk
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Vejle, DK partnered with University of Southern Denmark to research the movement habits of residents

The Municipality of Vejle partnered with the University of Southern Denmark to research the movement habits of residents. Residents received a questionnaire via email asking about their running, walking, and biking habits. The Municipality of Vejle intends to use this data to help residents become more active in their daily lives. Participant responses were cataloged with "Denmark in Motion" the national measurement of movement habits.


Vejle, DK

DK flag


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Vejle, DK offers local businesses up to 50 hours of free consulting during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Municipality of Vejle partnered with the Danish Industries Foundation to launch the "restart NOW" program to support local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program offers companies up to 50 hours of free consulting assistance based on the specific needs. The advice covers a wide range of areas including finance, technology, sales, exports, supply chains, digitization, and management.

Consulting /Training+4

Vejle, DK

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Vejle, DK launched a "Repair Café" scheme to reduce waste by helping residents repair their items

The Municipality of Vejle launched a "Repair Café" scheme to reduce unnecessary waste by helping residents repair their defective items. The Repair Café is a free service operated by volunteers who repair electronics, clothes, and other various items for residents. In addition to the free repair service, residents have the opportunity to learn how to repair items themselves.

Citizen Services+4

Vejle, DK

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Progetti verificati

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Syddjurs, DK and neighboring cities map employment service processes with AI-powered platform

Syddjurs and four partner cities used artificial intelligence for a process mining initiative. Municipal data on unemployment benefits, city services, and department contacts resulted in maps of user experiences. The resulting platform recommends the optimal path for each resident's employment search based on predictive analytics. Participating municipalities received 4.1 million kroner from a national innovation fund for the project.

Workforce Management+3

Syddjurs, DK

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Vejle, DK

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