Tutti i prodotti di Konveio


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Konveio is a Content Engagement Solution for Civic Projects

Konveio screenshot 2

Konveio offers a unique blend of draft review, interactive publishing and stakeholder communication features that make long-form, complex content approachable, understandable and easy to respond to in order to create buy-in from internal or external stakeholders.

Elementi significativi

  • Draft Reviews & Public Commenting - Collect comments and feedback on your PDF drafts by clients, committees, or stakeholders.

  • Digital Workshops & Open Houses - Post meeting materials, invitations, poster boards or presentations online to explore and respond to.

  • Project Sites & Stakeholder Workspaces - Share information with different audiences, either publicly or password-protected.

  • Interactive Plans & Documents - Turn your plans and reports into visual, fun-to-explore experiences.

  • Embed fully interactive documents on other websites for a seamless participant experience.

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Fondato nel 2020

Konveio is a content engagement platform that turns regular PDFs into social documents to counter indifference, foster buy-in, and drive change.

Su Govlaunch da 12 maggio 2020

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