We deploy cutting-edge AI using existing CCTV hardware to provide the most advanced traffic and active travel monitoring data on the planet.
The platform uses state of the art deep learning techniques to convert raw video footage into meaningful, accurate, real-time data about your transport network. Simply upload recorded footage or connect your existing CCTV cameras to the platform, select the analysis you need and see the results in the system in real time. We provide fully anonymised data of counts, speeds, turn counts, desire lines and more on over 28 vehicle and active travel classifications
Elementi significativi
Run automated traffic surveys at a fraction of the cost
99%+ Accuracy
Over 28 vehicle & active travel classifications
Geospatial insights & movement heatmaps
Self-service data collection and reporting through our dashboard
Fondato nel 2019
We are on a mission to help cities become smarter, more efficient and more sustainable by helping them to measure and respond to the needs of their citizens.
Su Govlaunch da 12 luglio 2022
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Conformità alla normativa o certificazioni
Cyber Essentials Certified / G-Cloud Accredited
Desktop / Web
Adattabile per dispositivi mobili
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