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Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV tackles restaurant carry-out littering with On the Go and Clean Commerce

Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV On the Go Clean Commerce Restaurant

In uitvoering

City officials and IVAGO installed educational signage at five locations with high litter rates. On the Go signs use a menu format to contrast the free act of throwing away trash with the 120-euro fine for littering. Restaurants participating in the Clean Commerce campaign receive free bins to keep their entrances clear of litter. Clean Commerce partners commit to three eco-friendly changes like reusable takeout containers and asking patrons if they require extra items like utensils.


Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

Municipality in Oost-Vlaanderen (East Flanders)

BE flag




'Propere commerce': horecazaken ruimen op voor eigen deur | Stad Gent

De Stad en Ivago willen takeawayafval verminderen op 5 populaire plekken. Horecazaken kunnen helpen door een 'Propere commerce' te worden.


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Er verschijnen vijf grote 'menuborden' die de mensen eraan herinneren dat wie zwerfvuil achterlaat een GAS-boete van 120 euro riskeert.

Meer van Gent (Gand) [Ghent]

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