Birmingham, AL

Municipality em Alabama

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United States

212.2k população
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Birmingham, AL Embrace Mothers pilot supports female-headed households with guaranteed income

Birmingham and Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI) funded a one-year pilot focused on single-mother households. Eligible applicants were female-identifying residents with one or more children under 18 years old without spouses or partners. Embrace Mothers paid $375 per month to 110 participants with another 132 residents surveyed as a control group. A dedicated dashboard hosted by MGI displayed participant demographics, spending patterns, and narratives.


Birmingham, AL

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Birmingham, AL approves Home for All tiny shelter pilot for unhoused residents

The one-year pilot adds 100 tiny shelters from Pallet Shelter at a location to be determined. Each shelter features a bed, desk, climate control system, and a door with a lock. Birmingham issued a Request for Proposal in search of providers for the Home for All community. Selected providers will maintain communal bathrooms, shelters, and utilities. The Community Development team will also work with providers on services ranging from crisis intervention to housing navigation.

Health & Human Services+2

Birmingham, AL

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Birmingham, AL prepares students for their financial futures with BHM Financial Freedom Project

The city approved $1 million for a partnership with Birmingham City Schools, Goalsetter, and IMC Financial Consulting. Students at six schools learn about topics like taxes, budgeting, and cryptocurrency during in-class lessons from IMC educators. Parents and teachers benefit from free personalized consultations and financial empowerment fairs. This first-in-the-country program builds good financial habits through Goalsetter's savings and investment features.


Birmingham, AL

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Birmingham, AL is developing the Birmingham Food Corps to address community food deserts

The City of Birmingham is developing the Birmingham Food Corps program to address the issue of community food deserts. The city estimates that 70% of its residents lack access to high-quality, affordable food. The Birmingham Food Corps will be staffed by recent graduates to scale the success of hyper-local urban farms and generate community-driven solutions for increasing food access. The Birmingham Food Corps proposal was selected as a finalist in the 2021 Global Mayors Challenge.

Training & Development+1

Birmingham, AL

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Birmingham, AL boosted public transit options for residents with On-Demand pilot

Residents living in the service area summoned rides using the Via app. Each ride featured a $1.50 fare for the app user and a $0.75 add-on per accompanying passenger. Birmingham On-Demand used six-seat Mercedes Metris vans to facilitate shared rides when possible. The service area covered destinations from Central Park in the west to AIDT in the east. The city developed the six-month pilot with Via and the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham.

Pilot / POC+2

Birmingham, AL

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Birmingham, AL opens COVID-19 help line staffed by unemployed residents

Birmingham partnered with Vaco and Birmingham Strong on a remote response line after local cases of COVID-19 emerged. Fifty unemployed residents from the restaurant and retail sectors were trained to answer questions about local resources. Local residents asked about preventative health measures and symptoms in order to seek the correct level of care.

Citizen Services+3

Birmingham, AL

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Birmingham, AL plans to add mobile payment options to city parking meters with ParkMobile

The Birmingham Transportation Committee drafted a contract with ParkMobile to provide mobile payment options to city parking meters. Residents would be able to access this option with a free ParkMobile app. The contract is waiting for approval by the Birmingham City Council.

Parking Solutions+2

Birmingham, AL

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United States

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