Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

Municipality em Oost-Vlaanderen (East Flanders)

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263.7k população
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Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV informs visually impaired commuers about transit disruptions with new app

Municipal officials and project partner District09 developed the app using De Lijn transit data. Commuters enter their phone numbers and receive real-time texts when their routes are detoured or disrupted. A planned update in autumn 2023 will support user reports of sidewalk obstructions. The mobile app is part of the city's Open Services project, which designs digital services accessible by other cities and third-party developers.


Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

BE flag


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Gent, VOV Transport Poverty Action Plan takes a comprehensive approach to transit inequity

The four-year plan includes 17 actions toward equitable and sustainable transportation for all. The Transport Poverty Action Plan calls for bike purchase vouchers, bike lessons, and subsidized car-sharing memberships. Initial projects in this strategy include a bike-taxi service for commuters with mobility issues and transit cards for students in remote areas. Municipal officials conducted months of consultations with residents prior to approving the 3.18 million euro plan.


Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

BE flag


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Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV tackles restaurant carry-out littering with On the Go and Clean Commerce

City officials and IVAGO installed educational signage at five locations with high litter rates. On the Go signs use a menu format to contrast the free act of throwing away trash with the 120-euro fine for littering. Restaurants participating in the Clean Commerce campaign receive free bins to keep their entrances clear of litter. Clean Commerce partners commit to three eco-friendly changes like reusable takeout containers and asking patrons if they require extra items like utensils.

Waste Management+3

Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

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Gent (Gand) [Ghent]. VOV turns downtown traffic data into predictions during three-month pilot

The pilot tests four types of cameras and sensors throughout Gent's downtown streets. Each device gathers anonymized data on pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles for analysis by an AI-powered system. Months of data predict when and where congestion is most likely to occur in high-traffic areas, providing valuable intelligence to city officials and businesses. The pilot also determines which device works best for expanded deployment.

Road & Traffic Management+4

Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

BE flag


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Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV promotes its commitment to green roofs with bus shelter pilot

Four bus shelters in the Woodrow Wilsonplein were outfitted with rooftop planters containing succulents. Shelters included in the pilot host stickers explaining the benefits of green roofs and Gent's subsidy program. Businesses and homeowners receive up to 250 euros for each roof evaluated during a stability study. Gent also pays 45 euros per square meter for installed green roofs. Local officials hope the pilot accelerates biodiversity, heat mitigation, and air quality gains.

Environmental Services+3

Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

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Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV responds to lack of natural river banks with green island pilot

Three green islands were installed along the man-made Watersportbaan with the help of local sporting clubs. Each island is approximately two square meters and contains native plants that attract wildlife. Navicula and Urban Deltas designed island types with different anchoring techniques for the project. Local officials will evaluate aesthetics, maintenance, and other factors throughout the one-year pilot as it considers additional islands.

Parks and Recreation+3

Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

BE flag


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Gent (Gand) [Ghent]. VOV advances technology capital aims with The Place to Pee pilot

The Place to Pee portable bathroom in the Blaarmeersen was open to the public through September 2021. Nitrogen and phosphorus in collected urine were converted into fertilizer at an off-site facility. Local startup HYDROHM and international firm LAUFEN developed the technology to maximize material reuse while minimizing water waste. Gent's spearhead fund provides technical assistance and up to 40% of project costs for similar projects to encourage new tech ventures.

Economic Development+4

Gent (Gand) [Ghent], VOV

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