Louisville, KY

Municipality em Kentucky

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597.3k população • $1.0b orçamento
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Louisville, KY Property Reunification Program trials outreach to next of kin for vacant properties

Louisville maintains 1,500 vacant lots per year including 300 vacant for at least three years. The program streamlines the process for claimants to confirm their connections to deceased landowners. An online form supports the necessary information for review by the city's Real Estate Coordinator. A four-day clinic at Portland Community Center provides in-person claim research and reviews. Pilot success would reduce public funds spent on private properties while bringing lots back into use.

Land Use Planning / Development+2

Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY Community Crosswalks Pilot combines road safety with promotion of local artists

City officials introduced the program based on research showing that high-visibility intersections reduce pedestrian-involved crashes. Local artists submit their designs for colorful crosswalks at four high-traffic intersections in downtown Louisville. Qualifying projects fit within crosswalk dimensions, avoid words or logos, and utilize city-approved materials. The city will pay $8,000 per project in two installments to cover labor and materials.

Road & Traffic Management+4

Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY is asking residents to report and map tick sightings to prevent tick-born diseases

The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health & Wellness (LMPHW) created the "Spot a tick and share" program to map reported tick sightings. The program was created to encourage residents to report tick sightings in order to prevent tick-born diseases. The LMPHW uses these reports to map problem areas, develop outreach materials, and identify tick species. If bitten, residents can send a tick sample to the LMPHW in order to receive testing for Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Parks and Recreation+2

Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY trials crisis interventions for non-emergency calls in Fourth Patrol Division

Local officials chose the Fourth Division for the pilot due to its high non-emergency call rate. Two Crisis Triage Workers (CTWs) evaluate 911 calls alongside MetroSafe dispatchers for resolution by phone. A seven-member mobile response team with mental health training is available for on-site assistance if initial consultations are insufficient. Case managers follow up with callers who are referred to local respite centers, shelters, and service providers.

Public Safety+3

Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY proposes new ordinance banning short-term hotel stays to prevent human trafficking

The Louisville City Council has proposed a new ordinance which would ban hotel stays of less than 12 hours, outlaw hourly room rentals, and prevent owners from offering discounts for early checkout. The ordinance was designed to help victims of human and drug trafficking by preventing city hotel rooms that supply space for these crimes to happen behind closed doors. Any violation would result in a $500 fine that would go into a youth housing fund to help victims of these types of crimes.


Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY and Parks Alliance of Louisville launched a comprehensive public park equity study

The Louisville Metro Government is partnering with the Parks Alliance of Louisville non-profit organization to launch the "Parks for All Equitable Investment Initiative” with $200,000 of funding. The initial funding will be spent on an audit of more than 120 public parks to determine their equity. Louisville is only the third city in the United States to conduct this comprehensive equity analysis of its public parks and communities.

Parks and Recreation+3

Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY partnered with Microsoft to launch the Louisville Future of Work Initiative

The Louisville Metro Government partnered with Microsoft to launch the Louisville Future of Work Initiative. The program trains students of color for tech jobs and empowers them to use meaningful data for social chance and racial justice by working with local, Black-led non-profits. As a result of this innovative partnership, the city of Louisville was declared to be a "Champion City" finalist in the 2021 Global Mayors Challenge.


Louisville, KY

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