Montgomery, AL

Municipality em Alabama

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United States

205.8k população • $254.0m orçamento
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Montgomery, AL collaborates with Alabama Power on Smart LED Streetlight project

The five-year partnership led to the conversion of 30,000 streetlights into LED fixtures. City officials selected fixtures for replacement across all nine council districts. Each light in the system can be dimmed or brightened depending on natural light levels. The Smart LED Streetlight initiative saves $130,000 per year in energy costs. Alabama Power completed the upgrades at minimal cost to the city and provide ongoing maintenance.

Smart City+3

Montgomery, AL

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Montgomery, AL improves the speed and quality of 911 call responses with STAR Watch Program

The Strategic Technology and Resource (STAR) Watch Program draws on 1,500 public-facing cameras from volunteers. Live camera feeds accessed at the city's STAR Watch Center aid police during 911 calls. STAR Center staffers use the camera network to accurately assign the numbers of vehicles, officers, and equipment for each incident. The center's video management platform allows multiple camera feeds to be pieced together for a fuller view of an incident.

Public Safety+4

Montgomery, AL

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Montgomery, AL expanded its Open Data portal with new features including COVID-19 specific resources

The City of Montgomery expanded its Open Data portal with new features and information for residents. The updates include new features such as crime data going back three years and downtown parking meter revenues alongside returning popular data sets such as the city budget and staff payroll. Open Data Montgomery also includes resources for residents to access during the COVID-19 pandemic including listings for available pharmacies, grocery stores, food distribution sites, etc.

Open Data+4

Montgomery, AL

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United States

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Montgomery, AL is implementing smart technology to enhance waste management services

The city has awarded a three-year contract to Rubicon Global to implement a smart city solution to help improve resident and commercial waste management services. This project allows the city to track key metrics including service issues and vehicle usage to enhance efficiency.

Waste Management+1

Montgomery, AL

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Montgomery, AL launched app-based services for parking solutions and severe weather preparedness

The city launched two free phone apps meant to help with parking downtown and preparing for severe weather. The parking app allows drivers to digitally pay meters and monitor remaining time. The storm app alerts residents to extreme weather and prepares disaster plans.

Parking Solutions+2

Montgomery, AL

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Montgomery, AL piloted a smart city garbage truck program

The city launched a pilot program to improve efficiency and customer service in sanitation operations. Rubicon Global equipped their refuse trucks with technology to identify pot holes, high grass/weeds, damaged street signs, and broken traffic signals.

Fleet Management+1

Montgomery, AL

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Montgomery, AL is using automated artificial intelligence to conduct road assessments

The RoadBotics team drove across Montgomery’s roads collecting images via smartphones, then analyzing the photos with its image recognition AI solution. The new survey provided objective information that is enabling the city to implement a data-driven pavement management strategy.

Mobile Data+2

Montgomery, AL

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