Moyne, VIC

Shire em Victoria

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16.9k população • AU$48.6m orçamento
Produtos Artigos
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Moyne, VIC Worker Accommodation program takes aim at housing impacts on regional labor market

The program recognizes the connection between housing shortages and long-term vacancies in key industries. Council-owned cabins were installed in caravan parks at Koroit and Mortlake. Each fully furnished unit includes a living room, kitchenette, and HVAC system. Moyne works with interested employers on placing new hires in worker accommodations. The short-term accommodations help workers ease into new roles and can be rented out to tourists when not in use.

Workforce Management+2

Moyne, VIC

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Moyne, VIC explores the intricacies of road maintenance and repair projects on new dashboard

The dashboard features a "Whose road is it?" section explaining local and state responsibilities for shire roads. A reporting tool seeks community feedback on potholes, cracked pavement, and other roadwork issues. There is an interactive map for the council's road renewal and resealing program. Each pinpoint opens a project profile with a timeline, type of work, and photos. Moyne residents also find a list of future road closures and an explainer about works within road reserves.

Road & Traffic Management+2

Moyne, VIC

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Moyne, VIC promotes local businesses using Love Local promotions and voucher drawings

Locally owned businesses receive free placement on an online directory and social media assets for their participation. Shire officials also created shopping voucher drawings for every resident who spent $20 AUD or more in area shops. An initial series of drawings distributed $2,500 AUD in vouchers to 19 residents. The latest drawing for $10,000 AUD focuses on hotels, excursions, and other tourism businesses.

Economic Development+2

Moyne, VIC

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Moyne, VIC connect young artists to new audiences with the Pop-Up Recording Studio pilot

The one-month pilot sent a mobile pop-up studio with instruments to three locations for weekend sessions. Participating artists aged 25 and under worked with an award-winning producer to refine their work before recording. Each artist received free production services, a video of the session, and feedback from Universal Music Group Australia. A community radio interview and paid concerts at local venues stimulate the creative economy while supporting young residents.

Economic Development+2

Moyne, VIC

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