Nelson City Council, NZ

City Council em New Zealand

NZ flag

New Zealand

51.8k população • NZ$1 orçamento
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Nelson City Council, NZ Use Our Loos campaign recruits businesses to open restrooms for public use

City officials recognized the negative impacts of insufficient public restrooms on business patronage. This first-in-New Zealand initiative asks businesses to welcome seniors, patrons with disabilities, and others to use their bathrooms without purchase requirements. Nelson City Council supplies Use Our Loos stickers for display on front doors. The campaign recruited 50 businesses by October 2022 with participating shops displayed on an interactive map.

Business Engagement+3

Nelson City Council, NZ

NZ flag

New Zealand

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Nelson City Council, NZ co-designs Te Parikaranga engagement platform with Maori residents

Local officials identified frustration among iwi - Maori tribes - with their limited opportunities for project input. Nelson City Council and Datacom worked with eight iwi for two years on this project. Te Parikaranga was built on the SharePoint platform used for other city projects. Iwi leaders apply the platform's color-coded system to pause projects (red), advance proposals without input (green), request more information (orange), or indicate a lack of time for input (blue).

Engagement Platforms+3

Nelson City Council, NZ

NZ flag

New Zealand

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Nelson City Council, NZ studies waste entering the stormwater system during litter basket pilot

Litter baskets were added to stormwater drains at four locations in Nelson's city center. Each location features a distinct traffic profile ranging from a pedestrian walkway to a high-traffic street. The baskets collect leaves, plastic wrappers, and paper waste that would otherwise enter local waterways. Early samples from the baskets identified harmful contaminants like arsenic and total hydrocarbons. Nelson City Council will evaluate how to best expand the program based on pilot data.

Waste Management+3

Nelson City Council, NZ

NZ flag

New Zealand

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Nelson City Council, NZ created a coastal inundation map viewer to showcase potential flooding

Nelson City Council created a coastal inundation map viewer on its website to showcase the potential impact of future sea level rise. The map uses a "bathtub model" to examine the flooding of Nelson's coast with seawater based on a two metre sea level rise scenario. Residents can search for their own property and review different sea level rise scenarios.


Nelson City Council, NZ

NZ flag

New Zealand

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Nelson City Council, NZ trials a Waste Minimisation Fund for community-led waste reduction projects

Nelson City Council is trialing a Waste Minimisation Fund as part of its Rethink Waste programme. The grant scheme involves match funding community-led projects designed to reduce waste. The Council's Waste Minimisation Fund has $30,000 available, with a minimum grant size of $500, for qualifying projects. Examples of qualifying projects include education programmes, feasibility studies, behaviour change workshops, etc.

Grants Management+4

Nelson City Council, NZ

NZ flag

New Zealand

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Nelson City Council, NZ created the Cup Bond subsidy programme to encourage the use of reusable cups

Nelson City Council created a Cub Bond subsidy programme to encourage the use of reusable takeaway cups. Participating local cafes and coffee carts receive a subsidy of up to $120 for offering reusable cups as an option to customers. The programme allows customers to borrow a cup for a small fee and return it for reimbursement or a new cup with their next drink. The Council's goal is to make Nelson disposable cup-free and reduce unnecessary waste.

Waste Management+2

Nelson City Council, NZ

NZ flag

New Zealand

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Nelson City Council, NZ built four temporary COVID-19 self-isolation sites for freedom campers

Nelson City Council partnered with Nelson Tasman Civil Defence to build four temporary self-isolation sites for freedom campers. The Council has implemented strict hygiene measures and required physical distancing at these facilities. These self-isolation sites were designed to help eliminate non-essential travel by freedom campers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Outbreak / COVID+3

Nelson City Council, NZ

NZ flag

New Zealand

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