Oxford City Council, GB

Non-Metropolitan District em England

GB flag

United Kingdom

154.3k população
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Oxford City Council, GB creates electric vehicle dynamic purchasing system

Oxford City Council has created the electric vehicle dynamic purchasing system (EV DPS) to provide a reliable, efficient and quick procurement solution to address the key complexities of procuring in this market for all UK public sector organizations to use for free.

Electric Vehicle+1

Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Oxford City Council, GB evaluates benefits of neighborhood heat pumps with Clean Heat Streets pilot

A public-private consortium received a government grant for the Rose Hill heat pump project. Oxford will develop a network of local installers and provide £5,000 subsidies for each pump installation. Clean Heat Streets will connect 150 air-source heat pumps to two electrical substations in the neighborhood. Street-level engagement efforts involving six neighborhood Champions highlight the project's economic and environmental benefits.

Energy Solutions+4

Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom


Oxfordshire County Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Oxford City Council, GB seeks reduced emissions from visiting boats with eco-mooring zone pilot

Oxford received a national Air Quality Grant for a two-year pilot of eco-mooring stations. Three charging pillars provide reliable electricity for up to six boats on the Oxford Canal. Visiting boaters can recharge their batteries so they don't need to rely on energy from wood burning or diesel. One pillar features the equipment necessary to recharge all-electric vessels. City officials and the canal operator will promote emission-reducing vessel retrofits during short-term stays.

Energy Solutions+3

Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Oxford City Council, GB approves Zero Emission Zone pilot for city center streets

Nine streets in Oxford's city center test ZEZ regulations starting from August 2021. Daily fees of up to £10 are applied to vehicles using these streets based on tailpipe emissions. The pilot does not charge fees to electric vehicle owners, emergency personnel, healthcare workers, and disabled residents. City and county officials conducted workshops with 900 residents over a six-year period to shape the final ZEZ design.

Road & Traffic Management+3

Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom


Oxfordshire County Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Oxford City Council, GB opens door to electric vehicle use with rapid charger installation

A 50-kilowatt rapid charger at the ODS fleet depot recharges a vehicle's battery to 80% in 40 minutes. The city-owned company also added 32 standard chargers to serve 34 plug-in vehicles entering the fleet in 2021. Oxford hopes to increase the ODS fleet to 25% electric vehicles by 2023. This project fits within the Energy Superhub Oxford initiative to achieve sustainable energy use through EVs, on-site batteries, ground-source heating, and smart controls.

Electric Vehicle+2

Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Oxford City Council, GB opens new avenue for public communications with digital video booth pilot

The Rose Hill Community Centre hosts a single-person booth dedicated to council appointments. Oxford assigns customer service officers to help booth users on topics ranging from COVID-19 testing to social services. Rose Hill staff provides basic training on the booth's operations for users unfamiliar with digital video technology. This pilot makes virtual appointments more accessible for residents without adequate hardware and connectivity.


Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Oxford City Council, GB unveils waste management portal for businesses with sustainability goals

The council-owned provider ODS feeds weekly waste and recycling data into the portal. Each commercial client finds past collection data on their dashboard. This tool helps businesses evaluate one-off events and cyclical consumption patterns that increase their carbon footprints. ODS also works with portal users to adjust collection contracts based on recent trends and long-term goals tracked in the portal.

Waste Management+2

Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

Projetos Verificados

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Oxford City Council, GB creates electric vehicle dynamic purchasing system

Oxford City Council has created the electric vehicle dynamic purchasing system (EV DPS) to provide a reliable, efficient and quick procurement solution to address the key complexities of procuring in this market for all UK public sector organizations to use for free.

Electric Vehicle+1

Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Oxfordshire County Council, GB addresses growing source of waste with Recycle Your Vape program

Oxfordshire, Oxford City, and Cherwell received £40,000 from Material Focus as part of the organization's Recycle Your Electricals effort. Residents can dispose of their single-use vaping products at 60 hot-pink collection spots in local shops and bars. The initiative adds dedicated bins for vape collection at seven household waste recycling centres. Recycle Your Vape also offers kerbside collection of vapes in Cherwell alongside rubbish and recycling.

Waste Management+2

Oxfordshire County Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom


Oxford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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Coventry City Council, GB develops all-electric bus fleet in partnership with national government

Coventry and Oxford were selected to become the United Kingdom's first local governments with all-electric fleets. Each government receives £50 million for plug-in buses and equipment to be implemented by 2025. Local officials will use additional funds for ride-share programs in outlying areas, high-frequent bus lanes, and other initiatives. The switch to all-electric buses allows both councils to meet emission and air quality goals while upgrading public transit.


Coventry City Council, GB

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United Kingdom


Oxford City Council, GB

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United Kingdom

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