Randwick, NSW

City em New South Wales

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154.3k população • AU$187.9m orçamento
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Randwick, NSW develops circular economy for local plastic waste through partnership with Plasmar

Randwick sought a soft plastic recycling alternative when the national REDcycle program ceased operations. Local residents can drop off plastic bags, films, and wraps at the Randwick Recycling Centre. Gathered materials are sent to Plasmar's facility for conversion into plastic pellets for new products including bollards and fence posts. City officials are piloting purchases of Plasmar products built from local recyclables, thus demonstrating the positive impacts of community participation.

Waste Management+3

Randwick, NSW

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Randwick, NSW and Waverley respond to recent drowning trend with Float to Survive campaign

Coastal communities like Randwick and Waverley experienced a significant increase in drownings from 2021 to 2022. The councils are working with the University of NSW on a multi-media campaign about the benefits of floating over swimming. Videos, posters, and ads explain that floating conserves enough energy for swimmers to float out of riptides and other dangers. University researchers will study how the Five Steps to Float messaging impacts behavior during the 2022-2023 summer season.

Parks and Recreation+4

Randwick, NSW

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Waverley, NSW

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Randwick, NSW and Waverley councils work with university researchers on SkyParks greening pilot

Randwick and Waverley used state funding to convert underused public spaces into SkyParks in 2021. The councils are partnering with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) on a SkyPark location at an on-campus location. Environmental sensors measure the impacts of urban green spaces on air quality, temperature, and other metrics. UNSW researchers will use its SkyPark as a learning environment for students, while the councils will use pilot data to shape future locations.

Environmental Services+4

Randwick, NSW

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Waverley, NSW

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Randwick, NSW educates public on newest water recycling center with Outdoor Classrooms

A newly constructed water recycling system under Arthur Byrne Reserve gathers stormwater from drains throughout the city. Water filtered through UV light irrigates to five other reserves via underground pipes. Randwick built two Outdoor Classrooms with QR-coded signs and interactive exercises that explain the benefits of water recycling. Classroom visitors learn how Randwick's largest treatment system saves 40 million liters in drinkable water per year.

Facilities & Infrastructure+3

Randwick, NSW

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Randwick, NSW creates ease of mind for residents with Yellowbox smart lockers at recreation areas

The council installed Yellowbox units at Coogee Beach, the Des Renford Leisure Centre, and Maroubra Beach. Local patrons use the Yellowbox app to manage locker access without lock combinations or keys. Facilities managers follow real-time usage, open lockers, and troubleshoot technical issues through the app. Randwick adopted the smart lockers as part of a Smart City Beach Strategy that added free Wi-Fi and live cameras at Coogee Beach.

Facilities Management+2

Randwick, NSW

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Randwick, NSW enables residential and commercial sustainability with Community Sustainable program

The council offers participants up to $3,000 AUD in rebates for property improvements that reduce energy use and emissions. Physical upgrades including rooftop solar panels, solar batteries, and rainwater tanks qualify for up to $2,000 AUD in rebates. Randwick also encourages water and solar assessments by qualified contractors with grants. Each rebate is authorized based on council approval of contractor quotes, plans, and receipts.

Energy Solutions+1

Randwick, NSW

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Randwick, NSW undertakes Integrated Smart Parking Pilot to improve parking experiences

An initial trial at two parking lots near Coogee Beach uses ground sensors and cameras to track vacancies. Parking data are transmitted to the PayStay app with indicators of low, medium, or high availability. Visitors also find the number of available spots per lot on digital signboards on arrival. Similar pilots at two locations in Kensington and three locations in Kingsford will further test Randwick's smart parking capabilities.

Pilot / POC+3

Randwick, NSW

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