Surprise, AZ

Municipality em Arizona

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United States

117.5k população • $232.1m orçamento
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Surprise, AZ pilots 3D printing technology to reduce and reuse plastic waste

QBE North America has announced that the city of Surprise, Arizona, has been selected as the pilot site for an initiative aimed at helping cities and other sites reduce plastic waste. The initiative, developed by United Kingdom-based company Automedi, was the winner of the 2022 QBE AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge, hosted by Boston-based Leading Cities in partnership with QBE North America.


Surprise, AZ

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United States

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Surprise, AZ turns recyclable plastics into useful products with a trial of Automedi nano machines

Automedi selected Surprise as the first municipal partner for its 3D product vending machines. Three nano units will circulate through the city's libraries, community centers, and public buildings during the pilot. Residents request free 3D-printed products like plastic containers, funnels, and utensils using the nano's simple interface. The project is funded by a $100,000 prize won by Automedi at the QBE AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge with no additional cost to the city.


Surprise, AZ

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United States

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Surprise, AZ deployed a virtual Emergency Operations Center with first responder communications app

During the first few days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Surprise quickly deployed a virtual Emergency Operations Center using Evertel's first responder real-time communications platform. The city's Emergency Management Director acted as the moderator for the platform's virtual rooms which included everyone involved in the COVID-19 response including: operations, finance, planning, general staff, command staff, etc. The mobile app remained open and active throughout the pandemic.


Surprise, AZ

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United States

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Surprise, AZ evaluates mobility options during six-month Shared Active Transportation Vehicles pilot

The SATV pilot established rules for up to 100 e-scooters and e-bikes to operate in Surprise. The Collective We, LLC tested 30 e-scooters as part of the pilot. A geofenced area of four square miles that included the Surprise Recreation Complex was established. Surprise set a 10:00 pm curfew for vehicle use to allow the vendor to collect its scooters. City officials asked residents who participated in the pilot to fill out surveys to inform future mobility programs.


Surprise, AZ

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United States