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Waverley, NSW tells the story of the city's development with Architectural Mapping Project

Waverley, NSW Architectural Mapping Project City Development


WAMP sought data on the ages, types, and amenities of 12,000 properties in the city. A spreadsheet with more than 100,000 cells was built from resident surveys, document research, and in-person reviews. The resulting map allows a user to find each building's age, use, number of stories, and parking availability. City officials will use the WAMP map when evaluating future housing developments and heritage protection measures.


Waverley, NSW

Area in New South Wales

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Waverley Architectural Mapping Project (WAMP) - Waverley Council

Spectrum Spatial Analyst



Waverley Architectural Mapping Project | Have Your Say Waverley

Update Thank you to the community for their contributions to the Waverley Architectural Mapping Project. A number of suggestions of historical importance were submitted and are being reviewed. The final database will be published on Council’s website by the end of 2019. Background We need your help to identify urban typologies and architectural styles across Waverley. This will assist us in creating a comprehensive database of existing and potential future heritage assets. Council is currently seeking feedback on the following: Items of Heritage Interest The purpose of identifying items of heritage interest is to flag properties that could be included in the Waverley Local Environment Plan (WLEP) 2012 in a conservation area and/or as a heritage item. Disclaimer: Properties suggested in this list will not automatically be listed in the WLEP and will be subject to further review and investigation. Distinctive property features The purpose of identifying distinctive property features is to support/cross-reference the identification of items of heritage interest. The intention is not to disregard the rest of the building or its character, but to note interesting examples of heritage features around Waverley. Suggested items could include; roof, façade, windows, verandah, fence, balustrade, or a chimney. Only one attribute will be noted per property. Disclaimer: The data should not be viewed in isolation as these features are not considered representative of the place as a whole or its potential heritage value. A comprehensive assessment to consider the heritage significance of a place will still be required. How to provide feedback Step 1. View the information collected on this interactive map or in the documents on the right hand side of this page. Step 2. If you think a property has been missed on the suggested list, or you disagree with the categorisation of a property, pin your suggestion on the map below or make your comments in the survey submission form.

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