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Peachtree Corners, GA is building the "Curiosity Lab" an intelligent mobility laboratory

Peachtree Corners, GA Curiosity Lab intelligent mobility

Em andamento

The city is building an intelligent mobility laboratory featuring Sprint’s 5G and IoT technology. This living laboratory will have a 1.5-mile test track constructed in an active 500-acre technology park. The lab will test and develop advanced vehicle and smart city technologies.


Peachtree Corners, GA

City in Georgia

US flag

United States



Peachtree Corners gets award for new smart city lab | News |

Peachtree Corners officials were recently recognized for their work on a 5G smart city test track with an award from Smart Cities Connect.


Sprint Announces 5G Laboratory in Peachtree Corners

Sprint has announced a 5G laboratory in Georgia, where it will test autonomous vehicles, robotics, artificial intelligence and IoT devices.

Mais de Peachtree Corners

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