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Syracuse's Performance Dashboard

Syracuse, NY empowers its citizens to hold local government accountable through a transparent performance dashboard.

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Performance Management — Innovate Syracuse

We are excited to announce that the City of Syracuse is launching a new Performance Management Program. This is a program that allows the entire organization to create alignment and work together to achieve shared goals. We call these goals objectives and key results, and the Performance Management Program utilizes an agile approach to monitor our progress towards them.

Performance Management — Innovate Syracuse

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The City of Syracuse is launching a new program Wednesday to keep the public informed of its new program to improve City services and accountability.

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City of Syracuse Launches Performance Management Program | Urban CNY

Online dashboard will report to the public on progress in city government Syracuse, N.Y. – The City of Syracuse today announced the launch of a new Performance Management Program designed to improve city services and accountability to the public, using a system of setting goals and reporting prog

City of Syracuse Launches Performance Management Program | Urban CNY


  • The City of Syracuse launched a new, public dashboard to communicate progress on key objectives.

  • Colour coding makes it easy to see how the city is progressing on each goal, while detailed metrics enable deep drill-down.

  • When city staff successfully meet their goals, the objectives get tougher – ensuring continuous improvement.


In September 2018, this City of Syracuse opened its performance management dashboard to the public. The dashboard provides detailed metrics on the city’s progress towards four key goals: fiscal sustainability, economic investment, constituent engagement, and service delivery.

The objective for the dashboard is to boost transparency and government accountability in the city. With colour coding, citizens can see at a glance how the city is performing; and then they can drill down into the numbers for each goal. The dashboard is updated daily and reviewed weekly to ensure the progress reports are as up-to-date as possible.

The city’s philosophy is continuous improvement. The dashboard is not designed to help Syracuse boast of its accomplishments; rather, when the city approaches its goals, it sets the bar even higher. The dashboard is on constant display on a screen outside the mayor’s office, acting as a persistent source of motivation for city staff.

The dashboard is also helping Syracuse make improved, data-driven decisions. The portal shows where the city needs to focus its efforts, and it opens up new opportunities for different departments to collaborate on shared goals.

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