Albury, NSW

City i New South Wales

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53.8k befolkning • AU$86.0m budget
Produkter Berättelser
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Albury, NSW conducts Modular Infrastructure for Biological Services pilot with commercial food waste

Australian firm Goterra installed a MIBS system at the Albury Waste Management Centre for a six-month pilot. Black soldier fly larvae within the system convert commercial food waste into soil conditioner in less than two weeks. City officials anticipate 1,800 tons of food waste will be diverted from local landfills during the pilot. This project evaluates a low-cost method for Albury as it seeks 100% food waste diversion by 2025.

Waste Management+3

Albury, NSW

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Albury, NSW partners with Plastic Forests on soft plastic collection pilot for local businesses

Twenty local businesses were selected for free weekly collection during the six-month pilot. Qualifying items like bubble wrap and plastic bags are sent to Albury-based Plastic Forests rather than the landfill. The manufacturer turns these materials into products ranging from fence posts to electric cable covers. Local officials are evaluating the pilot's impacts on business practices and landfill contributions ahead of a potential citywide expansion.

Waste Management+3

Albury, NSW

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Albury, NSW pursue smart parking pilot that reduces enforcement costs and improves turnover

The council selected 167 heavily used parking spots in the central business district for a two-year pilot. In-ground sensors powered by solar panels track how long vehicles stay in these spots. Parking enforcement officers receive messages from the sensor network when vehicles exceed posted time limits. Local shoppers also find parking vacancies through a dedicated app. Albury's upfront investment in the pilot will be offset by savings from automated spot checks.

Pilot / POC+2

Albury, NSW

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Albury, NSW partners with local nonprofit Aware to resell used items at the Upcycle and Recycle Shop

The Albury Recycling Centre diverts lightly used items like toys, furniture, and tools to its neighboring shop. Garden stakes, mulch, and wooden pallets are also transferred from the local landfill for sale at low prices. Aware places residents who are searching for work, retraining for careers, and those with disabilities in the shop. The nonprofit benefits from the sales of second-hand items while team members learn new skills.


Albury, NSW

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Albury, NSW converts landfill into Renewable Energy Hub powered by solar and waste energy

A capped landfill at the Albury Waste Management Centre (AWMC )was turned into a 1.1-megawatt solar farm with 4,000 panels. Albury City Council previously built a 1.1-megawatt methane gas generator at the AWMC in 2014. The combined power of solar panels and waste energy provides enough electricity for 1,900 homes each year. Council officials estimate an emission reduction of 54,000 tons per year due to the Renewable Energy Hub.

Waste Management+3

Albury, NSW

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