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Albury, NSW partners with local nonprofit Aware to resell used items at the Upcycle and Recycle Shop

Albury, NSW Aware Upcycle and Recycle Shop


The Albury Recycling Centre diverts lightly used items like toys, furniture, and tools to its neighboring shop. Garden stakes, mulch, and wooden pallets are also transferred from the local landfill for sale at low prices. Aware places residents who are searching for work, retraining for careers, and those with disabilities in the shop. The nonprofit benefits from the sales of second-hand items while team members learn new skills.


Albury, NSW

City in New South Wales

AU flag



Albury Upcycle and Recycle Shop | AlburyCity

Operated by not-for-profit group, Aware Programs, the upcycle and recycle shop gives new life to old household goods, and also provides valuable employment and training to the supported workforce sector.

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