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Blaby District Council, GB "Beat the Street" an innovative community-wide physical activity game

Blaby District Council, GB "Beat the Street" community game


Blaby District Council partnered with Intelligent Health to create the "Beat the Street" innovative community-wide physical activity game. Participating residents score points and win prizes by walking, running, or cycling between the 105 Beat Boxes across the district and activating them with their "Beat the Street" cards. The game was designed to encourage exercise in the community, reduce the use of vehicles, and improve the local air quality.


Blaby District Council, GB

Non-metropolitan district in England

GB flag

United Kingdom


Home - Intelligent Health

Projekt lyckat

11,000 residents walked, cycled, and ran 93,000 miles during the six-week game in 2019. Survey results showed that the proportion of children who met the national recommended guidelines of physical activity (60 minutes per day) rose from 47% of child players before the game to 65% afterwards. Approximately 21% of adults before the game were completely inactive (less than 30 minutes of exercise per week) but afterwards this dropped to just 11% of players.

Mer från Blaby District Council

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