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Cambridgeshire County Council, GB applies sustainability tools to the procurement process

Cambridgeshire County Council, GB Sustainability Procurement


County officials are working with the University College London to quantify the impacts of procurement on emissions. A Carbon Calculator shows council staffers how contract bids contribute to a proposed emissions reduction of 50% by 2030. The calculator was first introduced for waste management and highway bids prior to council-wide introduction. Suppliers are provided clear benchmarks for their roles in emission reductions with a Code of Practice.


Cambridgeshire County Council, GB

County council in England

GB flag

United Kingdom



Cambridgeshire County Council and University College London: Procurement tools to measure and reduce carbon emissions | Local Government Association

Delivery of net zero requires significant systemic change in the ways in which local authorities procure the goods and services they rely on. This project works to produce two tools to aid in scope 3 emissions reductions. Together these provide a standardised, transparent mechanism to measure emissions, along with a trajectory for best practice to effectively communicate the Council’s ambitions to its suppliers.

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