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Zapopan, JA the first Intermunicipal Center for Care of Minors with Diabetes in Latin America

Zapopan, JA healthcare center for minors with diabetes


The Municipalities of Zapopan and Guadalajara each invested 3 million pesos to create the first Intermunicipal Center for Care of Minors with Diabetes in Latin America. The center will consist of 17 multidisciplinary teams trained by the Institute of Diabetology to provide care for minors with type 1 diabetes mellitus through a comprehensive model that goes beyond simple dietary education.


Zapopan, JA

Municipality in Jalisco

MX flag


Involverad kommun


Guadalajara, JA

MX flag


Mer från Zapopan

Zapopan, JA and Guadalajara launched a program to help entrepreneurs expand franchise businesses
Zapopan, JA partnered with Digital Family to launch the Luciérnaga Digital Classroom program

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