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Jersey City, NJ partnered with Via to launch the state's first on-demand public bus service

Jersey City, NJ launched on-demand public bus service


Jersey City partnered with the ride-share company, Via, to launch the state's first on-demand public bus service. This innovation solution allowed the city to save the massive funds necessary for traditional public transit infrastructure expansions. Residents simply use the Via mobile app to book a shared ride and then receive directions to the nearest "virtual bus stop" for pickup. This project was designed to improve mobility while also reducing the number of private vehicles on city streets.


Jersey City, NJ

Municipality in New Jersey

US flag

United States


Welcome to Via! | Via

Via is reimagining how the world moves. We develop innovative mobility solutions for on-demand and pre-scheduled transit, powered by the world’s most advanced technology.

‎Via: Low-Cost Ride-Sharing on the App Store

‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Via: Low-Cost Ride-Sharing. Download Via: Low-Cost Ride-Sharing and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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