Melbourne, VIC
City i Victoria
Melbourne, VIC tackles growing e-scooter parking issue with safety technology pilot
Melbourne, Victoria, and Lime partnered on a limited pilot of new technology after complaints of sidewalks blocked by e-scooters. Twenty-five e-scooters are outfitted with cameras programmed for road detection. Real-time footage sent to the Lime app triggers suggestions of nearby legal parking areas. City officials are considering additional measures like intoxication detection systems, onboard mapping equipment, and rider ID verification.
Melbourne, VIC
Melbourne, VIC prepares for the impacts of extreme heat events with ClimaSens pilot
Melbourne will create a citywide map of heat vulnerability with the ClimaSens platform. ClimaSens uses historical weather data, future forecasts, and satellite images for visualizations of street-by-street risk levels. Heat risk and social vulnerability assessments allow city officials to create targeted responses for prolonged temperature spikes. These insights also support the expansion of cooling efforts including tree plantings and green roof adoption.
Melbourne, VIC
Melbourne, VIC takes new approach to Central Business District cleanliness with Clean Team pilot
The three-month Clean Team trial provides full-time services in two CBD precincts. Ten new employees powerwash sidewalks, sanitize street furniture, and identify bin issues for follow-up. The pilot precincts were selected due to their high densities of foot traffic and tourist attractions. Melbourne's Clean Team complements the graffiti removal and street cleaning work completed by the Rapid Response Clean Team since 2021.
Melbourne, VIC
Melbourne, VIC installs solar panels as part of Queen Victoria Market sustainability project
The 1,550-panel installation will produce 900,000 kWh per year once it is completed in 2023. City officials expect the system to reduce annual carbon emissions by 1,300 tons and save AUD 100,000 per year in electrical costs. Solar panels represent part of a Precinct Renewal program for the market designed with feedback from vendors and shoppers. This long-term plan calls for more green spaces, on-site organic recycling, and stormwater collection.
Melbourne, VIC
Melbourne, VIC integrates data and technology into Fishermans Bend renewal with innovation challenge
The challenge sought smart and sustainable ideas for the precinct's redevelopment. Innovators with concepts in need of further development applied for the Ideas track. The Pilot track was available to project leaders with services or technologies ready for real-world testing with the council. Three finalists in each track pitch their projects to a panel of expert judges. The Ideas track winner will be selected by the judges, while an online vote will help determine the Pilot track winner.
Melbourne, VIC
Melbourne, VIC Zero-Carbon Industry Cluster accelerates Australia's sustainable economic growth
Local officials approved this first-in-Australia initiative to spread zero-carbon best practices nationwide. The Cluster will build capacity for zero-carbon innovation through collaborations with universities, researchers, and businesses. Startups and established enterprises supported by the Cluster will be competitive in the global market. Melbourne plans a Zero-Carbon Jobs Summit for November 2022 that will shape the initiative's next steps for 2023 and beyond.
Melbourne, VIC
Melbourne, VIC activates Neighbourhood Model for community engagement with localized portals
Each Neighbourhood Portal on the Participate Melbourne platform includes localized news, council priorities, and engagement campaigns. Residents contact their assigned Neighbourhood Partner and learn local history on the portal. Melbourne kicked off the place-making initiative with CBD and Kensington Portals. Eight more portals are planned by the end of 2022. The Neighbourhood Model is complemented by Connected Neighbourhood grants of up to $2,000 AUD per project.
Melbourne, VIC