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Melbourne, VIC Zero-Carbon Industry Cluster accelerates Australia's sustainable economic growth

Melbourne, VIC Zero-Carbon Industry Sustainable Growth


Local officials approved this first-in-Australia initiative to spread zero-carbon best practices nationwide. The Cluster will build capacity for zero-carbon innovation through collaborations with universities, researchers, and businesses. Startups and established enterprises supported by the Cluster will be competitive in the global market. Melbourne plans a Zero-Carbon Jobs Summit for November 2022 that will shape the initiative's next steps for 2023 and beyond.


Melbourne, VIC

City in Victoria

AU flag




Melbourne fires up 'engine room' plan for zero-carbon economy - Inside Local Government

Melbourne will become the ‘engine room’ of Australia’s zero-carbon economy under a City of Melbourne Council plan to facilitate a network of start-ups, businesses and universities in the clean energy sector, the Council said today. At Tuesday’s Future Melbourne Committee meeting, councillors endorsed the establishment of a Zero-Carbon Industry Cluster to create jobs, support innovation […]


Industry-leading network to create jobs and support innovation - City of Melbourne

innovation, business, sustainability

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