Oxfordshire County Council, GB addresses growing source of waste with Recycle Your Vape program
Oxfordshire County Council, GB Recycle Your Vape Waste
Oxfordshire, Oxford City, and Cherwell received £40,000 from Material Focus as part of the organization's Recycle Your Electricals effort. Residents can dispose of their single-use vaping products at 60 hot-pink collection spots in local shops and bars. The initiative adds dedicated bins for vape collection at seven household waste recycling centres. Recycle Your Vape also offers kerbside collection of vapes in Cherwell alongside rubbish and recycling.
Involverad kommun
Oxfordshire residents are urged to recycle your vapes
Three Oxfordshire councils today unveiled their plans for new recycling services for vapes.Oxfordshire County Council, Cherwell District Council and Oxford City Council will together provide new vape recycling services across the county. They want to prevent the disposal of single-use vapes in litter bins, general waste or mixed recycling where ...
Oxfordshire councils install vape recycling bins - LAPV
Three local authorities in Oxfordshire have joined forces to install 60 new recycling collection points for vapes across the county.
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