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Phoenix, AZ engages the public about infrastructure projects for general obligation bond funding

Phoenix, AZ General Obligation Bond Funding Engage Public


City departments published a list of potential projects for its first bond request since 2006. Community leaders formed eight committees in areas like House and Public Safety to narrow $1 billion in proposals. The general public provided additional feedback at virtual workshops, through the GOPHX online tool, or by posting with the #GOPHX2023 hashtag. City officials anticipate a request for $500 million in general obligation bonds during a 2023 election.


Phoenix, AZ

Municipality in Arizona

US flag

United States



Phoenix bond committees to select funding priorities

Decisions on which projects should be funded could ultimately be part of a bond program the City Council\u00a0is expected to\u00a0ask voters to approve in 2023.


Phoenix seeks public input amid $500M general obligation bond campaign - Arizona Digital Free Press

Phoenix City Council earlier this summer approved moving forward with a proposed general obligation bond program of $500 million.

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