Tampa, FL and Lazarillo evaluate the effectiveness of app-based assistive maps in public spaces
Tampa, FL Lazarillo App-Based Assistive Maps Public Spaces
Tampa and Lazarillo mapped Julian B. Lane Park, Old City Hall, and the Municipal Office Building for the 15-month pilot. Residents with visual impairments or limited mobility download the Lazarillo mobile app for audio assistance. This guidance includes step-by-step directions between locations, points of interest, and potential obstacles. A small group of residents tested the assistive maps for accessibility and accuracy before a public rollout.
Startup helps the blind navigate spaces in Tampa - St Pete Catalyst
Navigating streetscapes and buildings in complete darkness, due to visual impairment, is an overwhelming task that a new startup is solving for the City of Tampa. Chilean-based tech company Lazarillo creates accessible indoor and outdoor maps of public buildings and parks by using audio on a smartphone to guide people, essentially serving as a GPS
City of Tampa Logo
The City of Tampa has implemented a new pilot project focused on improving accessibility for people that are blind or visually impaired. The City has worked alongside assistive technology company Lazarillo to create accessible indoor and outdoor maps of public buildings and parks that can be navigated with audio guidance using a smartphone. Among these locations are Old City Hall, the Tampa Municipal Office Building, and Julian B. Lane Park.
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