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Cherwell District Council, GB turns active travel into competition with Street Tag pilot

Cherwell District Council, GB Street Tag Active Travel Pilot


An initial pilot encouraged individuals and teams in Bicester, Banbury, and Kidlington to compete for points. The Street Tag app includes a map of digital treasures acquired when the user's phone is within 40 meters. Cherwell District Council placed virtual markers in parks, trails, and outdoor landmarks to increase outdoor activity. Points earned by finding treasures on the map are redeemable for shopping vouchers with monthly drawings as an added incentive.


Cherwell District Council, GB

Non-metropolitan district in England

GB flag

United Kingdom


Street Tag | Street Tag | Cherwell District Council

Street Tag is a family friendly initiative that rewards families and individuals for their physical activities such as walking, running, cycling, among a host of other fitness activities. Street Tag brings people together to participate in outdoor physical activities, by turning streets into a giant virtual playground, and increasing their outdoor experiences. The app can also be used for indoor activities.

Projekt lyckat

Cherwell's Street Tag pilot generated 28,000 miles of walking and cycling from 246 participants. Oxfordshire County Council approved a county-level pilot of Street Tag during National Walk to School Week.

Mer från Cherwell District Council

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