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Nillumbik, VIC seeks community support for graying farm sector with Smart Farms co-design campaign

Nillumbik, VIC Smart Farms Co-Design Campaign Graying


Council officials recruited volunteers for four workshops on sustainable land management. Workshop participants learn about the issues facing Nillumbik's farm sector from local landowners and businesses. Project partners Fair Share Fare and Open Food Network Australia work with attendees on ideas to keep senior farmers on their lands without sacrificing productivity. Nillumbik also placed open-ended questions about the future of local farming on its engagement platform.


Nillumbik, VIC

Shire in Victoria

AU flag



Smart Farms- Sustaining Land- Sustaining People | Participate Nillumbik

Join us for a community workshop in St Andrews, where we will host guest speakers and seek expressions of interest from community members



Nillumbik's new plan for old farmers - Inside Local Government

Nillumbik Shire Council has begun work on an innovative project to develop community-led land management solutions to assist older people to remain on their rural properties. Called ‘Smart Farms: Sustaining Land – Sustaining People’, the aim of the project is to identify and collaborate on innovative ideas that can assist ageing local landowners. Mayor, Frances […]


Smart farms: sharing ideas to help ageing landowners - Nillumbik Shire Council

Council has begun work on an innovative project with the community to develop community-led land management solutions to assist older people to remain on their rural properties.

Mer från Nillumbik

Nillumbik, VIC Place Shapers initiative brings resident ideas for public spaces and events to life
Nillumbik, VIC locates mobile and Internet connectivity weak points with engagement campaign

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