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Randwick, NSW and Waverley councils work with university researchers on SkyParks greening pilot

Randwick, NSW Waverley University SkyParks Greening Pilot


Randwick and Waverley used state funding to convert underused public spaces into SkyParks in 2021. The councils are partnering with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) on a SkyPark location at an on-campus location. Environmental sensors measure the impacts of urban green spaces on air quality, temperature, and other metrics. UNSW researchers will use its SkyPark as a learning environment for students, while the councils will use pilot data to shape future locations.


Randwick, NSW

City in New South Wales

AU flag


Involverad kommun


Waverley, NSW

AU flag




Transforming forgotten urban spaces into parks in the sky | Architecture & Design

In 2019, the buildings and construction industry accounted for almost 40 per cent of carbon emissions globally, according to the International Energy Agency. While sustainable new buildings can help in reducing emissions, UNSW researcher Alexander Georgouras from UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture, says finding ways of modifying existing buildings is a more effective way of creating efficient and sustainable cities.


Council supports UNSW to create Skyparks garden for a cool learning environment - Randwick City Council

UNSW is joining forces with Randwick City and Waverley Councils to establish a SkyParks garden at its Kensington campus, transforming one of its outdoor spaces into an inviting and adaptable space that can be used for learning.</p>

Mer från Randwick

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