Randwick, NSW and Waverley respond to recent drowning trend with Float to Survive campaign
Randwick, NSW Waverley Float to Survive Drowning Campaign
Coastal communities like Randwick and Waverley experienced a significant increase in drownings from 2021 to 2022. The councils are working with the University of NSW on a multi-media campaign about the benefits of floating over swimming. Videos, posters, and ads explain that floating conserves enough energy for swimmers to float out of riptides and other dangers. University researchers will study how the Five Steps to Float messaging impacts behavior during the 2022-2023 summer season.
Involverad kommun
Councils dive in to water safety message - Inside Local Government
Randwick City and Waverley councils have joined forces to pilot a new water safety campaign aimed at reducing the record number of drownings in Australia. Float to Survive promotes floating as the best chance of survival for swimmers who get into trouble in the water and will be launched today, in partnership with the University of NSW (UNSW) Beach […]
Randwick City and Waverley councils launch Float to Survive to reduce national drownings - Randwick City Council
Randwick City and Waverley councils have joined forces to pilot a new water safety campaign aimed at reducing the record number of drownings in Australia.</p>
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