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Unincorporated ACT, ACT streamlines its public transit ticketing system with NEC Australia

Unincorporated ACT, ACT NEC Australia Streamline System


A one-year design process will shape the development of the MyWay+ system for local transit needs. The MyWay+ mobile app provides real-time updates regarding departure times, delays, and route changes. Local commuters can plan affordable and accessible trips throughout Canberra using a multimodal journey planner. This new system also enables touchless fare payments and automated fare calculation across multiple stops.


Unincorporated ACT, ACT

Unincorporated in Australian Capital Territory

AU flag



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Unincorporated ACT, ACT tests ChooseCBR digital voucher app ahead of the holiday shopping season
Unincorporated ACT, ACT simplifies contact tracing in retail settings with Check In CBR app

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