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Dublin City Council, IE launched the "Dublin Tree Map" working with citizens to map local trees

Dublin City Council, IE "Dublin Tree Map" citizen engagement

In Arbeit

Dublin City Council launched a citizen-science engagement initiative to map the trees throughout the region. The project was developed in collaboration with the University College Dublin and Mapping Green Dublin. The "Dublin Tree Map" project is designed to identify areas with a deficit of trees, catalog the diversity of tree species, and evaluate potential threats due to plant diseases and climate change. The information will be recorded in the Curio app and made available to the public.


Dublin City Council, IE

City council in Eastern and Midland Region

IE flag



Trees in the City | Dublin City Council

Curio: Explore - Discover - Share

Curio provides web and mobile applications to help environmental professionals manage green infrastructure, whilst also connecting professionals with their local communities, for whom these assets are an important amenity. For the general public, Curio serves as an interactive field guide, helping people to explore their local environment and take positive actions to preserve it, with the help of integrated educational resources and a community of experts.

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