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Richmond, BC is piloting a more sustainable form of road paving using 40% recycled asphalt

Richmond, BC recycled asphalt road paving pilot

In Arbeit

The City of Richmond partnered with Lafarge Canada to pilot a more sustainable form of road paving using higher levels of recycled asphalt. The city's High Recycled Asphalt Pavement Project has paved a section of local road stretching over 3.2 kilometers using 40% recycled material. The road will be closely monitored to address potential quality control challenges. The project was designed to produce confidence in roads paved using more than the previous 10% limit of recycled material.


Richmond, BC

City in British Columbia

CA flag



Lafarge Canada - Cement, concrete, aggregates and construction

Lafarge Canada, building better cities. World leader in building materials with top-ranking positions in Cement, Aggregates and Concrete.

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