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Trenton, NJ MOVES project will deploy 100 fully-electric autonomous mini-buses for public transit

Trenton, NJ Mobility & Opportunity: Vehicles Equity System


The city of Trenton is developing the Trenton Mobility & Opportunity: Vehicles Equity System (MOVES) project which aims to deploy 100 autonomous vehicles to improve transportation services. Through the MOVES project, riders will have access to fully-electric, autonomous mini-buses through a smartphone app or from one of 60 kiosks installed across the city. During the first couple years, hosts will be onboard the mini-buses to assist passengers and serve as backup drivers in case of emergencies.


Trenton, NJ

Municipality in New Jersey

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United States


Trenton MOVES | Talk Trenton

TRENTON MOVES, THE WORLD FOLLOWS. The City of Trenton is collaborating with state and local partners to explore how to introduce an equitable, accessible, and affordable high-quality transportation option for Trenton residents. To assess current transportation successes


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