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Stockholm, SE promotes emission-free traffic with the public-private Electrification Pact initiative

Stockholm, SE emission-free traffic Electrification Pact

En cours

The city of Stockholm is partnering with Ellevio, Scania, and Volkswagen Sweden to promote emission-free traffic with the Electrification Pact. The goal is to speed up the work to make the city's transport sector completely fossil-free by the year 2030. The Electrification Pact targets the country's largest parking company, the city's housing company, and the Traffic Office but it is open to all organizations and companies in Stockholm.


Stockholm, SE

Municipality in Sweden

SE flag



Medlemmar och medlemskap i Elektrifieringspakten - Stockholms stad

Elektrifieringspakten är öppen för alla organisationer och företag som har viljan att bidra till omställningen av stadens transporter till att bli fossilfria.

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