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Middlesbrough Council, GB leads e-scooter adoption in new regulatory environment with pilot

Middlesbrough Council, GB E-Scooter Pilot

En cours

The council's e-scooter pilot followed national legislation allowing scooter operation on roads. Fifty scooters are available in Middlesbrough with operations handled by Ginger at no cost to the council. Each scooter has a maximum speed of 15.5 miles per hour (MPH). Users must have valid driver's licenses to operate on roads with speed limits up to 40 MPH. The Tees Valley Combined Authority worked with Middlesbrough to expedite the pilot to improve mobility during COVID-19.


Middlesbrough Council, GB

Unitary authority in England

GB flag

United Kingdom

Gouvernements impliqués


Tees Valley Combined Authority, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

Digne d'intérêt


E-scooter trial in Middlesbrough | Local Government Association

Middlesbrough Council was the first area in the UK to allow a trial to enable the use of private rented E-scooters on its Highway, following changes in legislation.


E-scooters go on trial in Middlesbrough to aid UK’s green recovery | Environment | The Guardian

Tees Valley mayor hails rental scheme as ‘clean energy, socially distant mode of transport’

Projet réussi

Ginger responded to a few incidents of misuse in the first week and attracted 1,500 rides in the first month.

Plus de Middlesbrough Council

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