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Public Safety


Projetos (579)Produtos (22)Artigos (11)Discussões (1)
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Kwema uses wearable tech to make the world a safer place

The company provides location-based emergency service requests, contact tracing, and the peace of mind that comes with feeling more secure.

Public Safety+2
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Darwin takes a holistic approach to smart city technology

The Northern Territory capital has rolled out Australia’s largest smart city project, targeting public safety, environmental factors, and quality of life enhancements.

Public Safety+4

Darwin, NT

AU flag


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Boulder Home Preparedness Assessment Pilot Program

Boulder, CO helped homeowners enhance their personal resilience to natural disasters and other stresses through an innovative pilot program that included rebates and free consultations.

Public Safety+2

Boulder, CO

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United States

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Edmonton leveraging AI to make safety code inspections more efficient

Using risk-based predictive modeling to score pass rates for non-mandatory inspections, the City has been able to devote more attention to higher-risk projects while shortening timelines for builders.

Public Safety+3

Edmonton, AB

CA flag


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Predicting Fire Risk in Atlanta, GA

The Atlanta Fire and Rescue Department is using the open-source framework Firebird to predict fire risk and prioritize fire inspections.

Public Safety+2

Atlanta, GA

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United States

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Jersey City is solving the 911 problem 🚑

The city is leveraging community volunteers and United Rescue's GPS-enabled 911 responder app to cut down emergency response times.

Public Safety+1

Jersey City, NJ

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United States

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Pittsburgh, PA Fights Fires with Predictive Analysis

The City of Pittsburgh employed a first-of-its-kind model which uses predictive analysis to rate non-residential building fire risk.

Public Safety+2

Pittsburgh, PA

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United States

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Aurora aims to deters crime with solar-powered, motion-activated lights

Dark alleys can give rise to night-time crime. Aurora’s solution? Solar-powered, motion-activated security lights.

Public Safety

Aurora, IL

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United States

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Sacramento pursues the future of police work with high-tech crime center

Sacramento Police Department has created a real-time crime center that consolidates resources from across the city to prevent and solve crime

Public Safety+1

Sacramento, CA

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United States

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Baton Rouge, LA launches public safety mapping platform

The police department of Baton Rouge, LA, is using a new tech platform to improve public safety in the parish.

Public Safety+4

Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge, LA

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United States

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Portland Oregon's Crime Map improves transparency and community engagement around public safety

How Portland is improving transparency, accountability, and community engagement with its new, interactive crime map.

Public Safety+3

Portland, OR

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United States

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