Santa Monica, CA

Municipality em California

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89.7k população • $448.4m orçamento
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Santa Monica, CA collaborates with Los Angeles Metro on One Car Challenge pilot

The One Car Challenge seeks 200 Santa Monica households for five weeks of one-car use. Eligible residents are aged 21 or older and live in households with at least two cars. Participants receive $119.80 per week for leaving extra cars at home. Metro provides $50 TAP cards and up to 10 free Metro Bike Share rides per participant during the pilot. Transit officials are working with local leaders to determine the pilot's feasibility for other Los Angeles County communities.


Santa Monica, CA

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Santa Monica, CA collaborates with Hayden AI on trial of automated bus lane enforcement technology

Hayden AI's camera system was installed on Big Blue Bus vehicles for a 45-day pilot. The AI-enabled system identified illegally parked vehicles obstructing bus lanes and stops. There were no citations issued during the pilot. Transit officials mapped the most frequently obstructed areas on Route 3 and Rapid 3 based on camera footage. Data from the pilot will shape targeted messaging about public transit accessibility and parking enforcement.

Road & Traffic Management+3

Santa Monica, CA

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Santa Monica, CA Right to Return pilot prioritizes families displaced by discriminatory policies

The program places successful applicants at the top of the city's Below Market Rate Housing list. Eligible residents were directly impacted by eminent domain decisions in the Belmar Triangle and Pico neighborhoods in the 1950s and 1960s. The city asks for proof of residency in impacted neighborhoods by applicants or their guardians prior to approval. Santa Monica sought 100 applicants for returns to city-funded housing in these areas in recognition of historical disparities.

Pilot / POC+3

Santa Monica, CA

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Santa Monica, CA puts stormwater to better use with its Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project

SWIP connects a stormwater harvesting tank to an advanced water treatment system under a public parking lot. This system can treat up to one million gallons of water each day and store up to 1.5 million gallons. Stormwater and runoff treated at SWIP are sent for use in irrigation, aquifer recharging, and toilet flushing. Santa Monica diverts 100 million gallons of untreated water from the bay each year and produces 10% of its annual water supply with SWIP.

Water & Wastewater+4

Santa Monica, CA

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Santa Monica, CA and Butte County anticipate future waste needs with Solar Panel Recycling Pilot

The three-year pilot was funded by CalRecycle to determine the best methods for eco-friendly panel disposal. Local officials worked with the California Product Stewardship Council on outreach to panel owners and installers. Participants with disused or non-functional panels arranged collections by the CA Conservation Corps for delivery to Cal Micro Recycling. City and county leaders hope for state action on producer responsibility for panel disposal based on the pilot's results.

Energy Solutions+3

Santa Monica, CA

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Butte County, CA

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Santa Monica, CA is partnering with FlickPlay to launch a play-to-earn metaverse mobile app

The city of Santa Monica is partnering with FlickPlay to launch a play-to-earn metaverse mobile app. The mobile app will combine social media with gamification and allows visitors to unlock digital collectibles at local stores. The mobile app will use virtual reality and augmented reality to build a digital layer of reality across restaurants, parks, and businesses.

Economic Development+4

Santa Monica, CA

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Santa Monica, CA partnered with ServiceNow to modernize its IT infrastructure

The City of Santa Monica partnered with ServiceNow to modernize its IT infrastructure. The partnership developed the city of Santa Monica app which expanded the city's existing 311 service and tied it into city work processes. The partnership also launched a completely digitized, automated, electronic workflow process for the city's Department of Human Resources. The city continues to work with ServiceNow to create a consumer-like service experience for residents.


Santa Monica, CA

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Projetos Verificados

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Santa Monica increases community connections and preparedness with better block party permitting

Santa Monica wanted more block parties to help neighbors connect. Replacing the arduous, paper-based process with a digital CityGrows workflow, the Traffic Management Division moved the application and multi-department reviews online. They've seen a 5x increase in participation!

Permitting & Licensing+1

Santa Monica, CA

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