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Los Angeles County, CA improves customer experiences with Assessor's Office chatbot

Los Angeles County, CA Assessor's Office Chatbot Improve


The Assessor's Office undertook a six-year conversion of its software and applications to a cloud-based system. This project supported the creation of an AI-powered chatbot for easier navigation of a new office portal. Residents engage in conversations with the bot in search of current data about property taxes and propositions. The chatbot incorporates lessons learned from past conversations, updated data, and newly added portal features into future interactions.


Los Angeles County, CA

County in California

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United States


NACo Achievement Awards: Assessor’s Chatbot

This program aims to develop an interactive Chatbot that can provide taxpayers/constituents public service 24/7 online support for the Assessor’s Office, to support the Assessor Reconstitution plan due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The chatbot will be designed to assist taxpayers with common queries and FAQs, such as information regarding property ownership, propositions, or


NACo Achievement Awards - Information Technology

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