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Minneapolis, MN is voting whether to replace Police Department with a Department of Public Safety

Minneapolis, MN voting on ordinance to disband police


The city of Minneapolis is holding a vote to determine whether it should disband its police department and replace it with a Department of Public Safety. If the ordinance is approved by voters, the Department of Public Safety would combine public safety functions through a comprehensive public health approach led by a Commissioner nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council. Furthermore, the Police Department and its chief would be removed from the City Charter.


Minneapolis, MN

Municipality in Minnesota

US flag

United States



Minneapolis voters to decide fate of MPD |

Voters in Minneapolis will face a lengthy ballot next Tuesday with a crowded mayor's race and several competitive city council races. However, they'll also vote on three amendments to the city charter, one of which could eliminate the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it from scratch with a new Department of Public Safety.


Minneapolis Is Voting On Whether To Replace Its Police Department—What Happens If It Does?

Here's what we know about the next steps if Minneapolis voters say "yes" to replacing the city's police department next week.

Mer från Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN professionalizes unarmed interventions with Community Safety Specialist Program

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