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Rotterdam, ZH launches trial of free electric cargo bike rentals to help residents transport waste

Rotterdam, ZH waste management trial electric vehicle rental


The Municipality of Rotterdam launched a waste management trial program with free electric carbo bike and trailer rentals. Residents can borrow these electric vehicles for free, by booking ahead online, to transport waste, bulky waste, large garden waste or usable second-hand items to an environmental park. The municipality will decide in October whether to make the free electric vehicle rentals a permanent option starting in 2023.


Rotterdam, ZH

Municipality in Zuid-Holland

NL flag



Aanhangwagen of bakfiets lenen |

U leent gratis een aanhangwagen of elektrische bakfiets om uw grofvuil, bruikbare tweedehandsspullen en groot tuinafval in te leveren bij 1 van de 7 milieuparken.

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