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Manchester City Council, GB and Salford City Council introduce E-Cargo Bike Library for public use

Manchester City Council, GB Salford E-Cargo Bike Library


The E-Cargo Bike Library on Chapel Street houses 26 bikes and six trailers. Short-term riders rent bikes for up to 14 days at £12 per day. Local officials encourage rentals of up to 31 days at £180 for organizations considering e-cargo bike purchases. Project partner Manchester Bikes offers free consultations to determine the right bike for a user's abilities and needs. Manchester's Cemeteries, Parks, and Neighbourhood Services departments use the bikes for day-to-day tasks.


Manchester City Council, GB

Metropolitan council in England

GB flag

United Kingdom

Involverad kommun


Salford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom


Greater Manchester e-cargo bike library - Manchester Bikes

Business, organisation and individuals can hire e-cargo bikes from as little as a day, up to 1 month.  The e-cargo bikes and trailers will be able to replace many car and van journeys.

Mer från Manchester City Council

Manchester City Council, GB adopts progressive procurement for economic and social improvements
Manchester City Council, GB cuts emissions with the purchase of plug-in waste collection vehicles

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