Whittlesea, VIC amplifies local businesses during COVID-19 with Still Here 4 You campaign
Whittlesea, VIC Still Here 4 You Local Businesses COVID-19
The council uses the Whittlesea Unites Facebook page to highlight resident support for local shops. A weekly theme leads to user comments and videos about their experiences in shopping local during the pandemic. Whittlesea and Plenty Valley FM fund a weekly drawing among participants for $50 AUD toward the winner's favorite business. The Still Here 4 You initiative includes an online business directory with updated service information.
Support for business - Whittlesea Council
Visit these websites for more information on the Coronavirus and your business: Business Victoria - call the dedicated business hotline on 13 22 15. Business Au…
Whittlesea Unites - Home | Facebook
Whittlesea Unites, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 1.9K likes. Whittlesea Unites focuses on uniting the community via events, programs, and updates...
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