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Chula Vista, CA replaces the mobile data terminal in police vehicles with the Samsung DeX Platform

Chula Vista, CA new Samsung DeX Platform for police vehicles


The Chula Vista Police Department (CVPD) is piloting technology that uses the Samsung Galaxy DeX smartphone to replace the traditional mobile data terminal in police cars. The CVPD smartphones are CAD-enabled, CJIS-compliant, provide real-time geolocation, and receive live-feed video from the "Drone as a First Responder" program. CVPD officers use their smartphones to gather evidence, dictate reports, manage body-worn cameras, conduct fingerprint checks, and access city-controlled CCTV devices.


Chula Vista, CA

Municipality in California

US flag

United States


Police Department | City of Chula Vista

Welcome to the Chula Vista Police Department homepage.


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